December Notes

Hello and Happy December!

I hope this finds you all enjoying the hustle and bustle of the season and inserting art wherever you can, be it a gift or getting ready for our Holiday Party, which happens on next Monday! If you haven’t found it yet, Sarah Hoppe has already sent the invite with expectations and instructions — it should be a fabulous time!

If you plan to be a part of the gift exchange, please remember to wrap your gift anonymously from the outside. You can put your name somewhere on the inside, so we know who it’s from, but most of us who provide art on a regular basis can probably guess once a gift is opened who created it.

Excitement is building for the new year for us — not only does this email launch our new Buffalo Art Guild website, but hopefully by this summer, we will have a new home! Stay tuned to all the updates through our new website, designed by BAG member Shari Zimmermann.

Don’t forget we decorated a tree for Festival of Trees. The festival is at the Wright County Historical Society, right off of Hwy 25, north of Buffalo. Enjoy all the creativity and make sure you vote for your favorite tree. Ours is labeled “Corn-n-Cranberries.” We created corn husk figures to cover the tree and have cranberry garland all around. Pictures will be in the next newsletter.

Looking ahead, we will be having elections again in January and typically it’s a low attendance meeting. We really need your vote and your input. Don’t forget this isn’t the Board of Director’s Guild — this is YOUR guild, and we want your voice heard. We have a pretty good email list of people, and see about 20 of you ever. We have a lot to look forward to, a lot to plan for our future and would really love to have you join us. 

We will have an Art Swap at the elections as well, so bring unwanted art supplies along to share. We cannot leave anything behind, so don’t bring more than you are willing to take home again. There may even be some snacks and chocolate....yes, it’s a bribe! Come and socialize, meet your old/new board members and others just like you!

If we don’t see you on Monday, enjoy the holiday season and be well. Dabble in a little art therapy to get rid of any stress. Most of all, be thankful —our guild is grateful to have you in it.



shari zimmermann

Shari Zimmermann is an artist and designer living in Delano, Minnesota. A graduate of Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Shari's design experience encompasses print and digital projects for her own clients and as an independent contractor for other design firms. In addition to marketing communications, annual reports, and brand creation, Shari has worked on many local and national publications — acting as lead designer on start-up magazines and redesigns, as well as art director and contributing designer on existing titles. Shari helps small business clients gain a web presence by creating and launching their sites through 

Shari is a founding member of the Delano Artist Guild, and pursues her passion for creating acrylic and mixed media art from her home studio. Shari has displayed her work in businesses around the Twin Cities area, and has participated in shows at Your Arts Desire, Studio 144, and Flow Art Space.

January Notes


November Notes